Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jaeger Banquet weekend

Saturday March 13th was the annual Jaeger Banquet at the Carpathia club. We invited our friend and family to join us for a night of wild game meal and dancing. Cousin Kathy and Kaethe Tante came down from Blanchard and Sister Barb came to spend the weekend. Of course the weekend started Friday night with game night. Cousin Steve and Elaine and cousin Rich and family came by as well as Clara, Barb. Gloria, Shannon, Nick and Ingrid Liesl and Jim. We played dice till about 2:30AM.
Saturday we had dinner and dancing at the club. Bob's cousin Jim and Judy and their son Andrew and friend Beth came. Scott and Melisa joined us and our friends Clara, Gary, Barb and Jackie as well as sister Barb Kathy and Kaethe Tante. My father came to dinner and did a little bit of dancing.
This morning Uncle Frank came by for coffee and breakfast of crepes and to visit with is sister. We enjoyed seeing him and his wife Carolyn. Now Bob and I are tired as a result of the two very late nights.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the pictures look great. Melisa and Scott are so cute and so are the rest of you.
