Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday August 19, 2012

Today was an exciting day beginning with the trip through the locks.  It was relatively simple.  There were cables hanging down the walls of the lock and we merely tied to around the cables so the boat could rise or fall freely.  The entire process took about 15 minutes.  Then we were in Lake Superior.  It was a bit anti climatic after all the worrying I have been doing about the entire process.  We saw several freighters near the locks but then nothing when we passed the mouth of the river.  Once we got into Whitefish bay it got a little cooler and I went in the cabin to read while Bob stayed in the cockpit reading and being lookout.  Once we got near the harbor we were informed that it was not fully functional and that it was merely a harbor of refuge which would be ok but it also had not been dredged and the depth was 3 -4 ft to get into the harbor.  So guess what, we got stuck and it took us a good 20 minutes to get out.  Bob then attempted to take the dinghy in to check the depths in various spots and the motor on the dinghy wouldn’t work.  As he drifted off out In the lake I had to retrieve him.  Finally we just decided that we would just rather anchor off outside the harbor and here we sit comfortably and the weather is not supposed to get bad. 

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