Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wolcott Mill and Farm Center

On Monday Liesl and I went to the farm center and then to the mill. The mill was not open at the time so we just walked. Liesl loved the Farm Center in that there were lots of animals there. We arrived in the milking barn just after they were milked but were still all lined up in a row and Liesl was able to get a close up view within 10 ft of them. There are two calves in the milking barn also and we went to see them several times. We went through the Farm center at least three times. As we would finish a round, Liesl would say "again" and of course Oma obliged. The pigs were one of her favorite as were all the animals. The pigs, sheep and goats were housed in one building with an exit to the yard. When we first went around we were fortunate enough to see the horses up close. Later in the day they were further in yard and we could not see them very well. As a matter of fact we had to walk down a hill and out of our way and still could not get a good look. Two donkey were in their penned area and one was near the fence most of the time. One of her other favorites and mine were the chickens. They had chickens there from all over the world and they looked quite strange to me. It was worth the trip just to see these chickens. Some were quite pretty. I guess they are a bird after all.

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