Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bayfield Rendezvous

Scott and Bob sailed from Port Sanilac to Port Austin July 6th and from Port Austin to Tawas on the 7th. The sailing was excellent on the first leg of their journey. The second day however was a motoring day. I met the guys in Tawas and sailed with Bob to Bayfield. Scott drove the car home making a stop to visit his Ota. Bob and I motored through the night to Bayfield. There was no wind and we had a long way to go. We wanted to arrive around dawn at the harbor so we timed our progress as not to arrive in the dark. Friday we arrived about 5:30 AM. We caught a few winks before Clara, Gary and Michael arrived. Clara, Gary, Bob and I went to a matinee in Stratford. We saw Evita. Unfortunately Clara and Gary could not stay overnight but we did have a nice visit at the boat after the play. On Saturday we had breakfast in town and went to the Vettefest. Bob and Michael spent much time inspecting the cars and their engines. Later in the evening we went to the Potluck with our sail club, BSSC. It was a very pleasant evening. Sunday we are sailed back to Port Sanilac. We did over 5 knots while sailing. We took sails down when we went through the thunderstorm and motored the rest of the way which was about half way. It was a lovely day most of the day. The sun is bright and the seas calm until we hit the thunderstorm. We arrived home about 7 and then went to dinner at Uri’s with Gail and Michael.

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