Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hubble 3D at the Imax

Sunday we were all a little antsy to get out of the house. Bob had been wanting to go see Hubble 3D at the Imax at Greeenfield Village. We took my dad along as he spends way to much time in his room. It was a long trip there but worth it. I must say it only took us about 45 minutes to get there. The 3D on the movie was fabulous and Bob thinks it was probably the best 3D he has seen. It was pretty amazing. I vote that the Hubble was a great success in that it brought the Universe so much closer to us. I would recommend everyone go see this.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to go see it. I am thinking Liesl is going to be ready to see a movie soon.... hoping. She sits rather well in there and pays attention. Might try an afternoon showing of something to try her out
