Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wellington NZ

Australia 10-31 and 11-1-2012

I am a day behind in my blogs so I will try to inform aboutour last two days in one post.  As usualI am not able to upload photos because the satellite connection is too slow andI have limited minutes to work with. Yesterday we spent the day in Wellington which is the capital of NewZealand.  We began our bus tour going upMt. Victoria which gave us a beautiful overlook of the area.  The driver also pointed out several areas onthe mountain which were used in the Lord of the Rings movie.  He also informed us about some of the soundeffects used ie the marching in the movie of the armies was done by the walkingback and forth at the soccer stadium.  Atintermission during one game the audience was asked to march back and forth attheir seats.  We also went up a cable carto the top of a mountain and then to the botanical gardens.  Only glitch in that was that two people wenton our bus and the driver had the correct count and drove off leaving us at thetop of the mountain to be picked up later. We then went off to a church which was built obviously by a shipbuilder.  The roof looked like the bottomof a ship on the inside.  Veryinteresting.  We were then dropped offdowntown where Bob and I searched for internet. We finally found it at a bar on the wharf.  We paid 25.00 for two drinks to have theprivilege of using their wifi.  I wasable to contact Ingrid, Melisa and Gloria. Napier is a very nice little resortcommunity with beautiful black beaches and art deco buildings.  We wandered down to the National aquarium ofNZ which was small but fulfilled our need to be underwater for a shortwhile.  They had a tube which had fishswimming all around us including shark and rays.  They also had smaller tanks with turtles, seahorses and Hawksbill turtle.  A shortwalk back into town and then some attempts to get on the computer.  We listened to three bagpipers in the towncenter and then boarded the bus to head back to the ship.  Once we arrived  at the ship there was an old time bandplaying and some antique cars in the port. We watched the ship leave port with tugs pushing and pulling to get itout of the harbor.  We wet out then toget on the gym equip and get online to talk to the kids.  We were able to get Ingrid and Liesl buteveryone else must have been asleep. 

Monday, October 29, 2012


Australia Oct 30, 2012

Today we anchored off Akaroa.  We were brought into port by tenders andreturned the same way.  We went on ashort walking tour of to and then explored on our own.  The town was initially settled by Frenchsettlers but under British rule as the Brits got wind of their intentions andbeat them to the island and planted their flag. This is a gardener’s paradise. All small cottages and homes here have lovely gardens filledflowers.  Roses seemed to be the favoritebut other flowers flourish here.  Againwe are surrounded by the volcanic mountains created thousands of yearsago.  We had a very knowledgeable guidewho informed us of the various changes occurring on the island including thelucrative whaling done here in the 1800s. Unfortunately there are not too many whales in the area at this time,but eople here are hopeful that they may come back.  We strolled around the bay and admired thescenery.  We had a difficult time gettingon wifi with our computer and my ipod. Bob’s iphone worked.  Finally Iused the library computer to send off a message.  So much for lugging my computer on shoreexcursions. 

New Zeland

Australia Oct 29, 2012

Today we landed in port Chalmers and took a short bus rideinto Dunedin.  This is a very VictorianCity with buildings straight out of the Victorian era and very Scottish.  We took a short walking tour through townwhich was very informative.  We saw severalcathedrals and the train station which is amazing and intricatearchitecture.  Words cannot do it justiceso I will need to send along photos.  Westopped and had a beer and wine at Speight Brewery which has some recognitionfor their ales.  This is built on amountain so there was some up and down during our walking tour.  We also saw a Chinese garden which was quiteunexpected but lovely and serene.  Wewanted to go in the settlers’ museum but it was closed.  We came back to the port in time to contactthe kids and to have afternoon tea.  Bob was sufficiently tire when we returned to the ship and had a nap beforetea.  Looking forward to sailing away andseeing the scenery either side of the ship while going through thechannel.  I was surprised this morningwhen coming to breakfast with the breathtaking scenery.  NZ seems to be an island of mountains whicherupt right out of the ocean.  Literally.  Sheep were grazing on the mountainside andthere was a plant with yellow flowers everywhere.  I still don’t know the name of them. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Australia Oct. 28, 2012

Today was another day at sea.  We spent the day as usual in computer classes and the highlight of the day was formal night with lobster.  We have been meeting new people at all the meals which makes for an interesting cruise.  The performer this evening was Alwyn Wright who is a violinist of some repute.  She has apparently accompanied several great singers and performed in several movies in a musical capacity.  Her performance was outstanding.  I finally had enough of the coughing today and went to the infirmary to buy an expectorant.  Today we planned the shore excursions for the next several days.  We will be going to a hobbit set, sailing on an America’s Cup Yacht, paddling a Maori canoe and several walking tours.  Tomorrow we will be in Dunedin near Port Charles.  It is said to be like Edinburrough.  We were randomly selected to be inspected by the customs and immigration so that occurs before we leave ship tomorrow. 

Australia Oct. 28, 2012

Today was another day at sea.  We spent the day as usual in computer classes and the highlight of the day was formal night with lobster.  We have been meeting new people at all the meals which makes for an interesting cruise.  The performer this evening was Alwyn Wright who is a violinist of some repute.  She has apparently accompanied several great singers and performed in several movies in a musical capacity.  Her performance was outstanding.  I finally had enough of the coughing today and went to the infirmary to buy an expectorant.  Today we planned the shore excursions for the next several days.  We will be going to a hobbit set, sailing on an America’s Cup Yacht, paddling a Maori canoe and several walking tours.  Tomorrow we will be in Dunedin near Port Charles.  It is said to be like Edinburrough.  We were randomly selected to be inspected by the customs and immigration so that occurs before we leave ship tomorrow. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Australia Oct 27, 2012

Today was a day at sea with another day at sea to follow.  I initially had some concerns that we would have nothing to o on these days but I was wrong.  Today we began early in the morning with a lite breakfast and then work out in the gym.  After an hour on the treadmill both Bob and I headed to the salon.  He  got a haircut.  I got a facial.  Bob tried the spin class and found that it was more strenuous than he liked.  He felt that the instructor was training racers.  We attended two computer classes.  The first class was how to buy a PC and the second was to introduce the new windows 8.  He also informed us about a new windows tablet which is similar to Ipad but can run Office and has a sp port.  We attended High tea again.  We were also invited to an Indonesian lunch which was interesting but good.  There were items on the menu that I would not normally have chosen but since it was  presented to us we ate it.   With such a large lunch we opted not to have dinner but did have a snack of pizza about 9:30.

Tonight the performer for the show was a one man act “Mr. Fish” .  He was quite comical performing silly tricks and encouraging people to clap with his jabs.  He also did juggling from the top of a ten foot unicycle which he referred to as a suicycle.  The  boat was hopping with bands playing Motown, rock and roll and whatever else you might like to listen to.  Bob was too tired to stay for all of it but I stayed up to listen to Ben and Halcats,  and the piano bar.  Toward the end members of one group came down to jam with the other and it made for some wonderful music. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Australia Oct 26

Today was a gray and cloudy day in Hobart.  The wind was strong making it also a cool day.  Bob and I did a little walking around town.  We stopped in a few gardens and enjoyed the similarities to England.  Well groomed front and back yards and gardens.  The city was dotted with little parks with well-kept gardens.  The homes were definitely early century homes many with tin roofs.  We spent a little time in a small cafĂ© on the waterfront and gawked at the tall ship sitting just outside.  We were also able to chat with both our children and grandchildren on face time.  The satellite on the ship is nice but you cannot leave it on and use it like home because it can get very expensive.  It is nice to not think about it on shore.  We managed to get back on board ship in time for tea and in time to miss the rain which came as we boarded.   The remainder of the day we relaxed in our room.  The area surrounding Hobart is quite scenic with islands dotting the river and mountains rising up around the city.  The shoreline itself seems to be elevated and you can see homes dotting the hillside.  It very much reminded me of Naples or some of the Greek islands. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Classes on the ship

Australia Oct 25, 2012

Today was a very busy day running from one thing to thenext.  We took three computerclasses.  They were pretty basic but wemanaged to come away from each with some ideas which made them all worthwhile.  I even learned something about the computer Ijust bought and the photo editing program included with it.  I need all the help I can get.  Sometimes it is just a matter of knowing whatthe programs can do in order to follow up with my own applications.  I am having issues with using I messaging andtherefore have to resort to just email, until I can get that sorted out.  I will try to send pictures.  We also attended a couple of presentations onour ports of call in New Zealand and we look forward to those stops.  Tonight was our first formal night and weenjoyed dressing  up.  We have met so many people already.  I began to write down the names of people wemet but had to stop because the list was just too long so we will just go dayby day.  The evening show was BallroomBlitz which was very glitzy and lively. Now it is time for bed and we are enjoying just this minute to stop andrelax.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Getting our cruise legs

Australia October 24, 2012

Today we couldn’t sleep in the morning because our sleeptime still appears to be off.  We bothwoke up on and off since about 3AM.  Imade a few video calls since the internet was free at the hotel.  Now we are on the cruise ship and I am buyingminutes.  We arrived at the dock about 11only to realize we could have left earlier. People were already in line to go aboard.  We missed the mariner lunch because we didnot read the itinerary on time.  I willcatch the next one.  We spent some of theafternoon sleeping, took a tour of the gym and spa and took a computer digitalphoto class.  We also did  our mandatory emergency drill.  Looking forward to a day at sea and a day todo some classes and work out in the gym. We were guided out of Sydney harbor by a tug.  It was quite a lengthy procedure. As wepulled out of the harbor we saw groups of people climbing the harborbridge.  Bob is all excited about doingthis.  I am not sure yet whether I am upto this adventure. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Arriving in Sydney

Australia Oct 23, 2012

We finally arrived in Sydney about 9AM after a long night onthe plane.  Fortunately we were able totake turns putting our feet up since there was an empty seat next to Bob.  I took an advil pm and that helped knock meout.  It took me three tries to see theend of men in black three because I kept falling asleep.  When we arrived at the hotel we werefortunate enough to get our room immediately so we were able to take a napbefore the opera.  The performance wasabsolutely wonderful.  He opera wasSalome and the woman who played the part did an excellent job even whencaressing the grotesque head of John the Baptist after he was beheaded.  Bob was having a hard time staying awake inthe dark theatre.  Before the opera therewas a concert in the opera house in one of the alcoves.  We ate dinner in the opera house and wanderedabout the gift shop.  The opera house wasas striking in person as it is in photos. The harbor seemed a smaller than I expected and there was a ship dockedready to leave on a cruise while we waited for the opera to begin.  Now it is time to go to bed and try to get afull nights sleep before we leave for our adventure.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

On our way

Australia trip Oct. 21, 2012

I got about 1 hour sleep last night.  We ended up running around trying to getBob’s phone prepped for international calls with a prepaid sim card inAustralia.  Apparently it is aprocess.  Originally we were told thatthe Sprint store in Sterling Heights could help us with it.  When we finally found the Sprint store theyinformed us that we need to do this online. We still don’t understand the whole process.  We have backed up our system and awaitfurther instruction when we get to Australia. We should be able to purchase a card there.  Scott picked us up about 2:30 this morningand I drove to the airport.  We got ourbaby time in last night when we were finished with some of our running.  Unfortunately it wasn’t enough time.  There was a bit of mixup at the airport as wesearched for the Quantas terminal, which there is none.  We are flying with American till Dallas andthen we will change to a Quantas run flight. My baggage was 2 lbs over and Bob’s 3 under.  See how nice things can work out.  No internet access here in the airport so Iwill wait to send this off.

Just arrived in Dallas about 9.  Our plane for Sydney does not leave until 10PM.  It is going to be a long day.  We may catch a shuttle into town and do a bitof sightseeing today if we are up to it. The flight here was uneventful.  Ilove this airport.  They have free wifiand even have small section where there are comfortable couches. We did notmanage to obtain one of those couches but may soon.  They have very nice mosaics on the floorshere and I have included a picture.Bob said no to the Hyatt here at theairport.  Would have negated our savingsfrom cheapo air.  The airport also has a monorail running around the terminals which gives us a view of the surrounding area. The little town nearby where the shuttles would take is is Grapevine Texas.  Sounds interesting.