Friday, December 9, 2011

More Curacao

Nov 24, 2011
Every morning of our trip began with a boat dive and this morning’s dive brought a special surprise. This was a first. We took theboat to Mushroom forest and did a one-way dive, which means the boat dropped us off in one spot and picked us up in another. Our maximum depth was 53 ft and we were down for 56 minutes. As usual I hung near the back, as I don’t like being crammed with lots of other divers competing for looking at critters in the coral. It was a pleasant drift over the masses of coral and sponges just like in a fairy tale. The coral extended up and down the reef wall. Along the way we say many eels poking their heads out of the coral and from underneath the coral. I especially find it exciting when I find the little banded shrimp. The highlight of this dive was that I finally got to see a frogfish. In the six years that I have come I have not seen one or recognized it when I saw it. There was a time I took video and think I might have seen it but did not
recognize it. The frogfish is only about an inch and half long and blends into the background so well it could be mistaken for some loose debris on the coral.
Our second dive was the Wreck of the Plane Elvin. This was truly a drift dive and we were
carried away with the current. We hardly had time to stop and smell the roses. The coral was similar to the last dive with the added bonus of a wreck to explore. I did swim thru the wreck
as it was all-open. Scott and Melisa were on this dive and did very well with their skills. We were able to see, Puffers, Barracuda, Drum fish and Trunkfish on this dive. We spent the rest of the day hanging by the pool and playing games. The mosquitoes were voracious and we were
bitten from head to toe since our play area was on the deck outside our room.

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