Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today was quite an adventure. We started out this morning from Franklin TN and the sun was shining and it looked like it would be a nice day. This was after an entire night of thunder and lightening. We stopped in Birmingham and visited the Vulcan park which is a park with the statue of the god vulcan. This is a photo of said statue which was first seen at a world fair in the early 1900s. This photo was also taken just before the series of tornadoes came through Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. Before leaving Birmingham we also visited the Civil Rights Institute which gave us an overview of the civil rights movement and the part Birmingham played in that movement. We managed to get out of town before the tornadoes came. Most of the rest of our group were not so luck and they were forced to take refuge north of Birmingham. We thought we had outrun the tornadoes when we came to Mississippi. While at the welcome center in Mississippi we learned that another tornadoe had touched down jut ten miles from us in the Meridian were we were to have dinner. We hung out there until the tornadoe warning expired and made a run for it. We arrived in Hattiesburg about 9PM. With only 4 hours to our destination of Venice Louisianna tomorrow it should be a much easier day. Looking forward to the storms subsiding but I am not convinced that we will be that lucky.
We have been enjoying our little picnics of PB and J and whatever snacks we brought from home. Tonight we just had dinner of McDonalds since we didn't want to be caught by the weather so stayed on the move.

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